During the course of the school year, we may sometimes wish to take photographs or video recordings of children within school or on school trips, either for our own records, for use as part of our learning curriculum, or for inclusion in our promotional material such as the school prospectus and onr website. The school may also invite an external photographer to the school each year to take official school photographs and may invite the media in to take photographs of pupils engaged in school activities or events for publication.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, we need to ask your consent before the school record any images of your child. In view of this, please read the statements below, and either provide consent or not.
This table sets out the various reasons for taking, and making use of, images of your child and we should be grateful if you would indicate whether or not you give consent for use in these circumstances. By indicating ‘YES’, you are confirming that you consent to your child’s personal data being shared for those purposes and/or with the named third parties:
We will not use, or allow the use of your child's name in any images which can be accessed externally to the school (for example on other websites or in printed media) without seeking your express.
Please note, you have the right to withdraw or change your consent at any time by giving the school written notice and completing a new consent form. You can notify us of your consent withdrawl in writing by emailing: [email protected]
Thank you for completing the consent form for the recording and use of images. It has been received successfully.